Study the Life & Times of Ibrahim (as) in 7 sweet and simple lessons
What is included in each episode?
Episode 1: Ibrahim (AS) and his father
– Who was Ibrahim?
– What would his father do?
– What advice did Ibrahim (as) give his father?
– What arguments did he use?
– How did Azar, the father respond?
– What lessons can we extract from this story?
Episode 2: Ibrahim (AS) breaks the idols
– Which verses cover this story in detail?
– What did Ibrahim (as) ask his father and people? – What was their response?
– What excuse did Ibrahim (as) give for not going to the festival?
– What did Ibrahim (as) say to the Idols?
– What did the people do to Ibrahim (as)?
– What were the three lies of Ibrahim (as)?
– What lessons can we extract from this story?
Episode 3: Ibrahim (AS) and the tyrants
– Why did the tyrant dispute with Ibrahim (as)?
– What was Ibrahim (as) response?
– Why did Ibrahim (as) say that Sarah was his sister?
– Who was Lut (as) in relation to Ibrahim (as)
– What lessons can we extract from these stories?
Episode 4: Ibrahim (AS) and the power of Allah
– What’s the background to this story?
– Did Ibrahim (as) doubt the Power of Allah?
– What are the stories mentioned in the two preceding verses?
– What are some lessons derived from this story?
Episode 5: Ibrahim (AS) looks to the skies
– In which Surah is this story found?
– What did Ibrahim (as) say to his father?
– Why did Ibrahim claim that the Star, Moon & Sun were his lords?
– What is Astolatry?
– What are some examples of the legacy of verse 79?
Episode 6: Ibrahim (AS) leaves his family in Makkah
– Who was Hajar?
– Why did Sarah gift her to Ibrahim?
– Why did Ibrahim leave Hajar and Ismail in Makkah?
– Which tribe settled in Makkah?
– Did Sarah eventually have children?
– What lessons can we extract from this story?
For whom is this course?
This course is ideal for all Muslims who need the benefit of a structured course following a set schedule. This is a short, simple and easy course for busy Muslims.
MasyaaAllah, I get so many new knowladge about Ibrahim peace be upon him. Alhamdulillah, and jazakumullahu khairan for make this course free.
Barakallahu fiikum Syaikh Bilal Ismail..
Enjoyed this course, jazakallah khair.
Allhamdulillah .it’s really a great couese
Although I’d already studied, but still I enjoyed it. Thank you.
One more thing Ibrahim (Abraham) was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a true Muslim Hanifa (Islamic Monotheism – to worship none but Allah Alone) and he was not of Al-Mushrikun (polytheist Idolaters. (Quran)
Amazing Course.
Very informative. Wassalam
this was great but are there any quizzes
Allhamdulillah .it’s really a great course. Jazakallah khair Alkauthar Organization.
MashaAllah 💫
It’s really beneficial, Jazaakallah khair!
knowladge about Ibrahim
JazakAllah Khair may Allah swt reward you
MashaAllah. Thank you for this beautiful course. Our dear Ibrahim, peace be upon him. Alhamdullilah
I loved this course. Bilal Ismail is such a wonderful, enthusiastic speaker. Alhamdulillah.
I enjoyed every moment and I learned so much.
mushallh i have learnt alot of things thank you
As-salamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Respected Sheikh!!!! What a great insight and inspiration to all Humanity’s!!!! JazakAllahu Khair BarakAllahu Feekum!!!!
nice course
A great course