33 Lessons for Every Muslim

A simple short and easy course for busy Muslims. Learn the essentials of faith in 10 simple lessons.

What you will learn:

The everyday essentials including:

  • Oneness of Allah
  • Pillars of Faith
  • Simple Tafseer (Fatiha and 3 Quls)
  • How to perform Wudhu
  • What breaks Wudhu?
  • How to make Tayammum
  • How to take a Ghusl
  • What are the essentials of Salah?
  • What nullifies the Salah?
  • How to pay Zakah?
  • How to wash the deceased
  • How to perform the Funeral Prayer

Who is this course for?

This course is ideal for the Rusty/Revert Muslim.

Reviews (31)

  • Muhammad Desai

    I spend most of my time working and the rest of the time raising 3 kids with my wife. The lessons learnt from this short course have been invaluable for my family and I.
    For those like me going through the daily grind, I would recommend doing and repeating this course every so often as a refresher of the basics of our deen.
    Muhammad Desai

  • Samee'ah Charles

    Algamdoelilah having reverted to Islam a few years ago I often found myself having to ask many people questions about the deen, sometimes feeling ashamed or embarrassed. I’m sure a lot of us can relate to this feeling.
    This course on the 33 lessons for every Muslim has empowered me, that I now find myself educating my Muslim and non-Muslim friends alike. It has given me the confidence I needed to be able to fulfil my daily obligations with a much better understanding and with clearer vision as to what is expected of me as a Muslim.
    This course encompasses the basic requirements for the foundation of a Muslims belief and worship. Our teacher, Sheikh Bilal Ismail’s manner in which the course is given is clear, concise, and simplified, making it easy for anyone to understand.
    I highly recommend this course for those that are struggling with gaining closeness to Allah (swt), all Muslims, reverts and non-Muslims, as this is the perfect place to start!
    Your Sister in Islam Samee’ah Charles

  • Tasnim Ibrahim

    It covers all the fundamentals in a clear and unambiguous manner. The course improved my knowledge and practice of Islam. Essential for beginners; recommended to all Muslims.
    Tasnim Ibrahim

  • Thabiso Ralepoma

    The 33 lessons for every Muslim was superb and easy to understand. Indeed every Muslim, rusty or new is in dire need of these lessons as they covered many topics. I robustly recommend it for every Muslim.

    Imam Thabiso Osman Ralepoma

  • Anna Thomas

    absolutely amazing course!!!!

  • draharouna

    Yes, Absolutely! Sh. Bilal is awesome. I live in Saudi Arabia so I know a bonafide Shaykh when I hear one. By the way, I also took the Seerah course with him… Brother Abd Allah D. Haroun, S.A.

  • Kong Shan-Nice

    Assalamu’alaikum. I’m trying to gain access to the course material, but it is password protected. May i know how to get the password, please?

  • rashidamakda

    Aslmoalaikm. Please advise me what password do I enter to read through the notes and write the exam

  • Farid Ahmed

    The exam link is at the top of this page. To download the notes, use your email address as the password.

  • Inaam Ahmed Azim

    Salaams, how do I get access to the e-book?

  • tania_jesy

    It is an excellent course for every Muslim who wants know at least the basics of the religion. It covers all the fundamentals in a clear and unambiguous manner. The course improved my knowledge and practice of Islam. Essential and highly recommendable course.

    Jazakumullaru Khairan.

  • naima shabbir

    Jazakallah, as a 14 year-old, i have been looking for a free islamic course and finally found one. This course is really good as i can come back any time during my day to learn. It is Amazing!

  • Nur-Elias Yusoph

    Alhamdulillah. Jazakhallahu khairan for the knowledge.

  • Basira Syed Mahmood

    Alhamdullila have benefited a lot. It was a great revision and have learnt many things that I used to think that there is no big deal in doing them. Jazakallah khairan

  • Saadia Ahsan

    Alhamdolillah , This is an excellent course to learn the basics of the Deen- it helped me in clarifying some basic misconceptions.

    Shaikh Bilal Ismail is a great teacher, he make the things sound and feel so simple and explains the difficult matters in a very simple and concise manner

    I would recommend all people to do this course at least once or more time when our knowledge becomes rustic. I my self have done this 3 times .

    Like the Shaiikh said : KEEP IT SIMPLE

  • Mushrraf Khan

    this is a program is also very good for to learn for every Muslims to listen to understand what are the important rules in our life to play and to give our life so beautiful according to our Quran reading Quran use in daily life

  • igirl4540

    An amazing & pleasure experience with this platform. Highly recommended.

  • sahilswe

    Thank you. I enjoy it.

  • Khin Hnit Thit Oo

    Thank you very much.
    I do hope that I will be able to finish this course and becoming active in inviting my friends to Islam.
    May Allah bless you all.

  • cday43181

    that was good I learned some stuff is there any quizzes with this course

  • sab zi

    salaam, what is the password for the ebook?

  • 2731983238

    This course comprised all the basic and clear ways to understand. That is what should Muslim to know? The course improved my knowledge and practice of Islam. It is really essential for beginners and suitable for the new Muslim. Thank you advance. May Allah be rewarded up Alkauthar organization.

  • Aneesa Jakoef

    Fantastic course! Erased doubt and taught me ‘how to’. I would recommend this course to all my family and friends.

  • Maseera batool Jabbar

    Assalam o alaikum wa rehmatullah wa barakatuhu
    It’s such a great course…


    Skillful creation

  • T S Fortuin

    As a revert I have been pursuing a great of knowledge in Islam. This was very illuminating. Highly recommend that it be read every so often.

  • Mehrosh Qureshi

    Jazak Allah Khairan. The course covers the content very well.

  • Abigail Kauppila

    He is a very efficient speaker on Beginners’ Lessons for Every Muslim. It is entertaining and I feel very well-greeted and well-departed by this courteous man.

  • Robert Meech


  • Attaullah Rahmani

    subhanallah I learned a lot of things thank you sheak ismail

  • samar Naeem

    Beautifully covers all the fundamentals clearly and unambiguously.