Tafsir Surah Yusuf: An Epic Journey

Tafsir Surah Yusuf is an epic journey that takes us from Palestine to Egypt. From a boy into a man. From being accused to being absolved. From slavery to governance. From being a lost child to being reunited. A course that is bursting with an amazing number of gems from tafsir, matters of the heart, sciences of the Quran and lessons that will transform your life.

Apart from the amazing Tafsir of Surah Yusuf, this course gives you an opportunity to inculcate within yourself a love for the Qur’an and the Prophets of Allah.

We tell you the best of stories in revealing this Quran to you. Before this you were one of those who knew nothing about them. (Surat Yusuf, 12:3)

What you will learn:

  1. The best of all stories: Tafsir Surah Yusuf
  2. How applicable lessons can be derived from the verses of the Qur’an
  3. The importance of tawhid in the story of Yusuf (as)
  4. How to inculcate within yourself a love for the Qur’an
  5. Different types of dreams
  6. The fiqh of a lost child
  7. The types dua, knowledge, and patience
  8. The status of parents
  9. Destiny in Islam
  10. Muslim conduct during rainfall and drought
  11. The evils of jealousy

Who is this course for?

  • High School & University Students
  • Parents
  • Couples
  • Daee’s
  • Imams

Reviews (1)

  • Usman Malik

    One of the best AlKauthar Institute courses – a truly inspiring Surah with over a thousand lessons and benefits! Revealed at a time when the Prophet salAllahu alaihi wasalam and his companions needed a powerful story and the comforting Words of Allah to spiritually uplift them.

    Highly recommended and truly life-changing.